Theme: The Three Universal Truths - Anicca, Anatta, Dukkha

The Annual Children Buddhist Conference (CHIBUCON) will take place on 10th (Saturday) and 11th (Sunday) May 2025 at Hotel PLA.RATHNA RESIDENCY, Central bus stand, Trichy. Trichy is a central location in Tamil Nadu, well-connected to major cities by air, train and bus. CHIBUCON 25 is the 5th event , with earlier events held at Hotel PLA Rathna Residency and Hotel Breeze Residency, Trichy..

Theme: This year’s theme, “The Three Universal Truths - Anicca, Anatta, Dukkha,” aims to inspire children to learn and embrace Buddhism. The conference is a unique platform for children to showcase their talents, foster unity and empower the younger generation.

Programme Management

Inauguration: Flag hoisting by the organizing chairman and student secretaries. Candle lighting for the portraits of Buddha and Babasaheb Dr. Ambedkar by the chief guests. Buddha Vandana to begin the proceedings.

Student Presentations: Buddhism-related topics presented by children on the first day (Buddha day). Second day (Bodhisatvar Dr. Ambedkar day) for the social issues, skill development and special platform for college students, women’s wing and valedictory function will be the highlights.

The chief guest Dr.N.Jayaraman, writer, President of ‘Ambedkar Periyar Karl marx movement’ (Aa Pe Ka), Pudukkottai will address on the topic “Is Buddha Annihilator?”.

Oration: The special memorial oration on “The Historical Significance of Conversion Dr. Ambedkar” by Dm. Gautham Prabu, Trirathna Boudha Mahasangam’, Chennai.

Pre-Conference Events: Quiz, sports and drawing competitions. Stage Performance such as Music, dance and drama will be on Saturday evening, followed by a gala dinner.

Approximately 200 participants are expected this year. The event will be recorded and streamed live. This annual Buddhist conference is organized by “Mass Movement for Transformation (MMT)” and “Buddhist Society of India (BSI)” of Tamilnadu, in association with “Bodhi Vihar, Trichy”.

MMT: A registered organisation which is spreading Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar ideology. BSI TN: Buddhist society of India (BSI) started by Dr.Ambedkar. Bodhi Vihar: Bodhi Vihar, is a Buddha Vihar developed by the ‘Bodhi Trust, Trichy’, located on Suriyur New Bypass Road, Trichy. Designed like a Deeksha Bhoomi dome with a Sanchi Stupa-inspired entrance. Activities include meditation, Dhamma talks, retreats, Deeksha ceremonies, and Vesak Pournami celebrations. Group stay and recreational facilities are available in the adjacent private garden.

May you all be happy and well always.

Dr.N.Periyasamy Sakya
Organising secretary, CHIBUCON 2025.
Mobile: 98424 52012

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